Thursday, May 9, 2013

The beach in a cup

     This week we made a fun snack... beach cups.  The children started with blue jello cups then requested sand (graham crackers), inner tubes (peach rings), fish (Swedish fish), and beach umbrellas.  The children had a lot of fun making and eating their beach snacks.  We also read the book "Rainbow Fish."  The children cut out an oval and 2 triangles to make a fish.  We then glued on colorful scales and shimmery scales just like the Rainbow Fish.  We have also been reviewing all the letters we have learned and completing end of the year assessments.  Next week we will continue our study of ocean animals and the beach.

     Next year I will be teaching in the Montessori Preschool classroom at Williams Elementary.  I have enjoyed teaching in an inclusive Special Education classroom for the last several years and I am very excited about this opportunity to teach in a Montessori classroom next year.  I have learned so much during my years in an inclusive classroom and I look forward to all the new things I will learn next year in the Montessori classroom.  I have truly enjoyed celebrating the unique qualities of each child.  I plan to check in on the progress of the children staying in preschool here at Sharpsburg and I will even try to visit.

Next week will be the last week for the newsletter.  Portfolios with a collection of your child's work and photos from the year will be sent home on 5/20.  Report cards will be sent home on 5/23.

* Have you enrolled your child for Preschool or Kindergarten next year?  Everyone must re-enroll and it is important that you do it now so that the district can plan to have the right number of teachers and classrooms.
*Water Day - Thursday 5/16.  Please remember to dress your child in appropriate play clothes and send a water bottle labeled with your child's name.  No bathing suits please.
*Field trip to UDF - Thursday 5/23.  Check your child's folder for the permission slip.  Every child MUST have a permission slip to go on the field trip. 

*Q worksheet

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Fish Fun

     This week we began our study of the ocean and beach.  The children sorted fish into a fishbowl by size.  They also sorted colored goldfish crackers by color.  I have started end of the year report card assessments.  The children are working on some end of the year projects to show what they have learned this year.  End of the year progress reports and portfolios will be sent home the last week of school. 
     We have a light box set up to explore light and color.  The children really enjoy exploring different ways to move light and project colors.  We also started our end of the year count down song and we are practicing counting backwards.  Next week we will have a special "beach in a cup" snack.

*Scholastic Book orders are due tomorrow.
*Water day is on Thursday May 16th. 
*Walking Field trip to UDF on May 23rd.  Info will be sent home next week.
*Have you registered for Preschool or Kindergarten for next year.  Remember, EVERYONE must re-enroll for next year.  You can make an enrollment appointment at 924-2506.

*Y worksheet
*Hands on Homework Bags are finished.  There are still some families that have not returned Homework Bags and letter books.  If you have homework bags or letter books at home, please send them back to school so we have them to use next year.  I hope the homework bags have given you some ideas for activities you can do with your child at home.  Keep up the learning over the summer!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

April Showers Bring...May Flowers

I can't believe we are headed into our final month of school.  There are only 4 more weeks of school left (16 days)!  This year has flown by!

We finished up our study of construction this week.  The children really enjoyed painting construction vests.  We learned the name of some tools, then glued pictures of tools onto a "tool belt" in a pattern.  Kathy Strasser, our school nurse, visited our classroom to tell us about her job and showed us some of the tools she uses.  The children got a chance to use and explore some of her tools (thermometer, stethoscope, gloves, etc...).  This week's letter - Z.  Next week Y and then Q.  After we finish all the letters, we will review the letters we have learned.   

Next week, we will begin our beach and ocean study.  We need a few bags of colored goldfish crackers for a sorting activity.  If you would like to donate colored goldfish crackers, please send them in next week. 

*Last chance to order books this school year.  Scholastic Book Orders are due on May 3rd.  You can order online at:
*Walking Field Trip to United Dairy Farmers to buy ice cream on 5/23.  More information will be sent home next week. 
*Preschool Water Day on Thursday May 16th.   More information will be sent home nest week.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Construct, Create, and Build

This week we started making construction vests.  The children painted paper bags with bright colors.  Next week we will add tape to the vests.  Miss Maria (our Xavier student observer) taught a lesson this week.  The children enjoyed the story she read and building a crane with shape cut outs.  We also used marshmallows and toothpicks to build.  The children are getting very creative with our building projects! Many of the children have been very interested in puzzles this week.  Working puzzles helps children develop problem solving, visual discrimination, motor planning, and fine motor skills.  They also develop concentration and coordination.  Next week we will finish up out study of construction and start some end of the year projects. 

*Make sure to enroll for Kindergarten or Preschool next year.  Call 924-2506 to make your appointment. 
*Warm weather is here - please help your child dress appropriately for the weather.  Remember, it's usually very warm in our classroom.
*No cologne, body spray, or perfume please.  This is for the health of everyone in our classroom.  Some members of our classroom have allergies and others are sensitive to strong smells.  Thank you for  your support.

*V worksheet
*Hands on Homework Activity Bag
(next week will be the last week for homework)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Busy Builders

     This week continued our study of construction.  The children built with pipe cleaners and used pattern cards and shapes to build different animals.  The children also used cut out shapes to build Mat Man.  Check out this link for some online Mat Man activities:  Mat Man is part of the Handwriting Without Tears program we use to develop pre-academic skills.  Next week we will continue learning about construction.  The children will be making a safety vests out of paper bags! 

     This week's letter: U.  Letters for the rest of the year: V, Z, Y, Q.  After we finish letter of the week, we will be reviewing the letters we have learned this year.       

*Warmer weather is finally here (hopefully to stay).  We will be spending more time outside.  Please remember that your child needs to wear closed toe shoes with a heel strap.  Sneakers or gym shoes are the safest and most comfortable shoes for preschool.  Children who are not wearing safe shoes, will not be allowed to play on the playground (this is a school policy). 
* Last chance to order books through Scholastic.  Book orders were sent home earlier this week.  Thank you to the families that have supported literacy development at home and school by ordering books.  Here is the website to order books online:
*Have your registered/enrolled your child for Preschool or Kindergarten for next year?  All returning preschoolers must re-enroll each year.  You will also be asked to sign up for a screening appointment.  We will be screening all children before the school year starts to help us plan instruction based on the needs of our students.  If your child is going to Kindergarten next year, you will need to enroll him/her also.  Call 924-2506 to set up an enrollment appointment. 

*U worksheets
*Hands on Homework Activity Bag
*Homework will be finished at the end of this month.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Build, Create, and Construct

     Welcome Back!  I hope everyone had a safe and fun Spring Break.  There are only 7 weeks of school left this year!  Wow, I can't believe how quickly the year has gone. 
     This week we started our study of construction.  We talked about different words that all mean "build."  The children used different building materials in the classroom to build something.  The children used small colorful wooden blocks, bristle blocks, Duplos, Lego's, tinker toys, and unit blocks.  The children then described what they built and we took a picture of their creations.  We also built with Popsicle sticks.  Throughout the month, we will be exploring the construction process and building many things in our classroom.
     This week we also had a visit from Firefighter Josh.  He talked to us about fire safety and showed us his gear.  He talked about smoke detectors.  Ask your child to help you find the smoke detectors in your house and when you find them, test them to make sure they are working.  Then talk to your child about what to do if there is ever a fire in your house (get out)!  
     We will also have a visit from a police officer and nurse this week.   

*X worksheet
*Hands on Homework Bag
*Check for smoke detectors in your house

*Have your registered/enrolled your child for Preschool or Kindergarten for next year?  All returning preschoolers must re-enroll each year.  You will also be asked to sign up for a screening appointment.  We will be screening all children before the school year starts to help us plan instructions based on the needs of our students.  If your child is going to Kindergarten next year, you will need to enroll him/her also.
* PTA meeting on 4/15.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Eric Carle Art Projects

     This week we read the books "The Mixed Up Chameleon,"  "A House for Hermit Crab," and "The Very Busy Spider" by Eric Carle.  We are learning the names of a lot of new animals from the Eric Carle books we are reading.  The children used water color paints to paint a chameleon.  We used paint, glitter, buttons, and sequins to decorate hermit crab's house.  We also spent some time talking about our class pet - a hermit crab and the shell he lives in.  We investigated several different shells and described them.  We talked about if they would or would not make good homes for our hermit crab.  When we read "The Very Busy Spider" the children were able to feel the raised lines of the spider's web in the book.  Then, we looked at and touched a version of the book that had Braille lettering.  We talked about how some people are blind and cannot use their eyes to read.  The children closed their eyed and used their fingers to "read" the words printed in Braille. 

     We have also been using different painting techniques to paint tissue paper.  We will use this tissue paper to create a collage using the same steps Eric Carle uses to illustrate his books.   

     Next week, the children will be able to see and touch some new animals from the Cincinnati Zoo!  We will be learning about how animals move from the Zoo animals and the books we will read.       

*Preschool Parent Info Night on Monday 3/18 @ 6:30 @ Williams Elementary.  You can pick up an enrollment packet and schedule an enrollment appointment at the meeting.  All children who will be attending preschool again next year MUST re-enroll.  You can also make an enrollment appointment by calling 924-2506.  If you haven't decided if your child will be moving on to Kindergarten or staying for another year of preschool, please let me know ASAP.

*Kindergarten Parent Info Nights are also taking place this month.  If your child will be going to Kindergarten next year, you will need to register him/her at your home school (based on address).
Each Elementary will be hosting a parent meeting prior to Kindergarten registration. Information about the New Kindergarten year will be provided.
Norwood View - Thursday, March 7, 2013  6:30 pm - Norwood View Library
Sharpsburg Primary - Wednesday, March 13, 2013  6:30 pm - Primary Cafeteria
Williams Avenue - Thursday, March 14, 2013  6:30 pm - Williams Auditorium

*If you haven't placed your March Scholastic Book order yet, you have 1 more day to order online.  I will be finalizing the order on Friday.  Here's the link to our class page: 

*Zoo Visit on Thursday 3/21. 
*Spring Pictures on Thursday 3/21.
*Spring Break 3/25-3/29.
*Mark your calendar... We will have Preschool Water Day again this year.  This is a wet and fun filled outdoor play day that takes place at the end of the year.  Parents will be invited to join us for the last hour of the day.  Water day will take place on Thursday May 16th this year.  More information in April.
*Have your child re-tell the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar with the picture book we made earlier this week.  Help your child name and count the fruits in the book.  You can even help your child write the names and the number on the pages.  Re-telling familiar stories with repetitive text is a great way to build literacy skills.
*W worksheet
*Hands on Homework Activity Bag

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

     This week we began our Eric Carle author study.  We looked at several different Eric Carle books and talked about things that were similar.  Most of the characters is his books are animals.  All of the books we looked at had animals in them.  This week we read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."  We also used props to re-tell the story.  We talked about how a caterpillar goes through metamorphosis and changes into a butterfly.  The children made a caterpillar on a pipe cleaner and learned a caterpillar song:
     I'm a caterpillar, wiggle with me.
     I'm a caterpillar, wiggle with me.
     I'm a caterpillar, wiggle with me.
     Wiggle with me my friends.

  Throughout the month we will be following the same process as Eric Carle to create a final art piece.  We watched a short video of Eric Carle painting and cutting tissue paper to create the caterpillar.  We will be painting layers of paint on tissue paper, then cutting it out to create a tissue paper collage.  
   I am also completing report card assessments over the next two weeks.  Many of the children are making great progress.  Keep up the hard work at home! 

Coming up next...
    In April we will be studying construction and building as well as have visits from several community helpers including a police officer, fire fighter, and nurse. 

*Preschool Parent Info Night on Monday 3/18 @ 6:30, Williams Elementary. 
*Kindergarten Parent Info Meetings and registration begin this month. 
Each Elementary will be hosting a parent meeting prior to Kindergarten registration. Information about the New Kindergarten year will be provided.
Norwood View - Thursday, March 7, 2013  6:30 pm - Norwood View Library
Sharpsburg Primary - Wednesday, March 13, 2013  6:30 pm - Primary Cafeteria
Williams Avenue - Thursday, March 14, 2013  6:30 pm - Williams Auditorium
*Class pictures on Thursday 3/21.  If you want to order pictures, payment must be turned in before pictures.
*Zoo Visit on 3/21.
*Report cards sent home 3/21.
*Spring Break 3/25-3/29.
* Remember to check your child's folder each night.  There are a lot of impotant papers going home about upcoming events and meetings.
*E worksheet
*Hands on Homework Activity Bag


Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wild Winter Weather

     Here in Ohio, you never know what kind of weather we will have from one day to the next, but it has provided a lot for us to talk about this month.  We have had sun, wind, rain, snow, and clouds, sometimes all in one week.  It's been a great month to study and learn about weather!  This week the children cut out and decorated a kite.  I'm amazed at how much progress the children have made with their scissor skills!  We also cut out snowflakes from folded coffee filters and uses Popsicle sticks to make snowflakes.  All this talk of snow, but still no snow day :(.  Lastly, we used a mixture of shaving cream and glue to make "snow" sculptures.  This week's letter - G, next week - E.
     Last week I went to a training called Handwriting Without Tears.  I learned about fine motor development, writing, literacy, math, and developing social skills.  It was a great training and we are already integrating some new things I learned into our classroom.  There are great parent resources for parents at the website: or .  This program includes Mat Man and other fun activities to develop pre-academic skills.  Check out the website for more information and an online Mat Man game. 

     Next week we will begin an author study of Eric Carle.  We will be reading many of his books and creating art using the same process as Eric Carle.  Take a trip to the library or book store to read some Eric Carle Books. 

*Preschool Parent Info Night has been changed to Monday March 18th, instead of March 19th.  We look forward to seeing you there.  Please read the flyer in your child's folder today for more information.
* If your child will be going to Kindergarten next year, please be sure to attend an information at your child's home school.  Flyers were sent home last week and are also available in the school office.
*Warm weather will be here soon (hopefully) and we will be spending more time outside.  We would love to have some bubbles for the children to use on the playground.  If you would like to supply us with some bubble, you can send them with your child at any time.
* As we move into the last quarter of the school year (already), we are running VERY low on snack supplies.  We do get 1 snack from the cafeteria each day, we try to offer the children 2 healthy choices each day.  We are in need of fruit cups, applesauce cups, yogurt or Gogurts, and raisins or other dried fruit.  If you would like to supply these snacks, please send them with your child at any time.  Thanks!

*G worksheet
*Hands on Homework Activity Bag

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wacky Weather

What wacky weather we have here in Cincinnati.  50 degrees one day and 30 the next!  We continued to learn about weather this week.  The children cut out a handle for an umbrella and painted the top.  We also learned that rainbows appear when the sun comes out during rain.  The children cut out and colored a rainbow.  We will continue our study of weather next week.  In March we will be doing an author study of Eric Carle.  We will be reading many Eric Carle books and learning about how he illustrates his books as well as other projects related to Eric Carle. 

*Have your turned in $3 for the upcoming Zoo visit?  We need the money by 2/28. 
* Coughs and colds are still going around.  If your child is sick, please consider keeping him/her home to prevent spreading the germs to other children and teachers. 
*We are still accepting Yearbook Orders.  If you plan to order, please send in your money and order form ASAP. 
* Preschool Info Nigh in March - you will also be able to make an enrollment appointment at the meeting.  If your child will be attending preschool again next year, you will need to re-enroll him/her.
*Kindergarten Info Nights in March.  If your child will be 5 by September 30, 2013 he/she is eligible to go to Kindergarten next year.  Please attend the Parent Meeting at your child's home school.  Flyers were sent home last week and are also available in the school office. 
*Spring Break 3/25-3/29.

*Hands on Homework bag.

No pictures this week... short week.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What's the Weather Like???

This week we continued talking and learning about weather.  We talked about the 4 Seasons.  The children worked together to sort various objects according to when we would use them.  Then we dressed paper people for different kinds of weather.  On Wednesday and Thursday, we talked about Valentine's Day.  Some of the children enjoyed passing out Valentines to their friends.  We sorted candy hearts by color and counted how many we had.  We talked about most, more, less, and least.  These are important math words that the children will hear when solving word problems in Elementary school.  The children also had the choice to make a heart pattern necklace or hat.  Thank you to the parents who helped their child with Valentines and those who sent in treats or candy hearts.  I really appreciate your support of our classroom.

This week I finished up Spring Parent-Teacher conferences.  I really enjoyed meeting with almost every one!  Thank you for making time to come in to school to meet with me to discuss your child's progress. 

PRESCHOOL INFO NIGHT  - See flier in your child's folder.

Kindergarten Parent Meetings and Registration -  See flier in your child's folder.  If your child will be 5 by September 30, 2013, he/she is eligible to go to Kindergarten next year.   

Zoo Visit
*This week, a paper was sent home about am upcoming visit from the Cincinnati Zoo.  They will be visiting our classroom with animals on 3/21.  The cost is $3 per child. An envelope for the zoo money is in your child's folder today.  They were not attached to the letter as it had stated. 

*L worksheet
*Hands on Homework Activity
*Take a weather walk - talk about the weather and the seasons.  Look for signs of Spring.