Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wild Winter Weather

     Here in Ohio, you never know what kind of weather we will have from one day to the next, but it has provided a lot for us to talk about this month.  We have had sun, wind, rain, snow, and clouds, sometimes all in one week.  It's been a great month to study and learn about weather!  This week the children cut out and decorated a kite.  I'm amazed at how much progress the children have made with their scissor skills!  We also cut out snowflakes from folded coffee filters and uses Popsicle sticks to make snowflakes.  All this talk of snow, but still no snow day :(.  Lastly, we used a mixture of shaving cream and glue to make "snow" sculptures.  This week's letter - G, next week - E.
     Last week I went to a training called Handwriting Without Tears.  I learned about fine motor development, writing, literacy, math, and developing social skills.  It was a great training and we are already integrating some new things I learned into our classroom.  There are great parent resources for parents at the website: or .  This program includes Mat Man and other fun activities to develop pre-academic skills.  Check out the website for more information and an online Mat Man game. 

     Next week we will begin an author study of Eric Carle.  We will be reading many of his books and creating art using the same process as Eric Carle.  Take a trip to the library or book store to read some Eric Carle Books. 

*Preschool Parent Info Night has been changed to Monday March 18th, instead of March 19th.  We look forward to seeing you there.  Please read the flyer in your child's folder today for more information.
* If your child will be going to Kindergarten next year, please be sure to attend an information at your child's home school.  Flyers were sent home last week and are also available in the school office.
*Warm weather will be here soon (hopefully) and we will be spending more time outside.  We would love to have some bubbles for the children to use on the playground.  If you would like to supply us with some bubble, you can send them with your child at any time.
* As we move into the last quarter of the school year (already), we are running VERY low on snack supplies.  We do get 1 snack from the cafeteria each day, we try to offer the children 2 healthy choices each day.  We are in need of fruit cups, applesauce cups, yogurt or Gogurts, and raisins or other dried fruit.  If you would like to supply these snacks, please send them with your child at any time.  Thanks!

*G worksheet
*Hands on Homework Activity Bag

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