Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What's the Weather Like???

This week we continued talking and learning about weather.  We talked about the 4 Seasons.  The children worked together to sort various objects according to when we would use them.  Then we dressed paper people for different kinds of weather.  On Wednesday and Thursday, we talked about Valentine's Day.  Some of the children enjoyed passing out Valentines to their friends.  We sorted candy hearts by color and counted how many we had.  We talked about most, more, less, and least.  These are important math words that the children will hear when solving word problems in Elementary school.  The children also had the choice to make a heart pattern necklace or hat.  Thank you to the parents who helped their child with Valentines and those who sent in treats or candy hearts.  I really appreciate your support of our classroom.

This week I finished up Spring Parent-Teacher conferences.  I really enjoyed meeting with almost every one!  Thank you for making time to come in to school to meet with me to discuss your child's progress. 

PRESCHOOL INFO NIGHT  - See flier in your child's folder.

Kindergarten Parent Meetings and Registration -  See flier in your child's folder.  If your child will be 5 by September 30, 2013, he/she is eligible to go to Kindergarten next year.   

Zoo Visit
*This week, a paper was sent home about am upcoming visit from the Cincinnati Zoo.  They will be visiting our classroom with animals on 3/21.  The cost is $3 per child. An envelope for the zoo money is in your child's folder today.  They were not attached to the letter as it had stated. 

*L worksheet
*Hands on Homework Activity
*Take a weather walk - talk about the weather and the seasons.  Look for signs of Spring.

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