Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wacky Weather

What wacky weather we have here in Cincinnati.  50 degrees one day and 30 the next!  We continued to learn about weather this week.  The children cut out a handle for an umbrella and painted the top.  We also learned that rainbows appear when the sun comes out during rain.  The children cut out and colored a rainbow.  We will continue our study of weather next week.  In March we will be doing an author study of Eric Carle.  We will be reading many Eric Carle books and learning about how he illustrates his books as well as other projects related to Eric Carle. 

*Have your turned in $3 for the upcoming Zoo visit?  We need the money by 2/28. 
* Coughs and colds are still going around.  If your child is sick, please consider keeping him/her home to prevent spreading the germs to other children and teachers. 
*We are still accepting Yearbook Orders.  If you plan to order, please send in your money and order form ASAP. 
* Preschool Info Nigh in March - you will also be able to make an enrollment appointment at the meeting.  If your child will be attending preschool again next year, you will need to re-enroll him/her.
*Kindergarten Info Nights in March.  If your child will be 5 by September 30, 2013 he/she is eligible to go to Kindergarten next year.  Please attend the Parent Meeting at your child's home school.  Flyers were sent home last week and are also available in the school office. 
*Spring Break 3/25-3/29.

*Hands on Homework bag.

No pictures this week... short week.

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