Thursday, April 11, 2013

Busy Builders

     This week continued our study of construction.  The children built with pipe cleaners and used pattern cards and shapes to build different animals.  The children also used cut out shapes to build Mat Man.  Check out this link for some online Mat Man activities:  Mat Man is part of the Handwriting Without Tears program we use to develop pre-academic skills.  Next week we will continue learning about construction.  The children will be making a safety vests out of paper bags! 

     This week's letter: U.  Letters for the rest of the year: V, Z, Y, Q.  After we finish letter of the week, we will be reviewing the letters we have learned this year.       

*Warmer weather is finally here (hopefully to stay).  We will be spending more time outside.  Please remember that your child needs to wear closed toe shoes with a heel strap.  Sneakers or gym shoes are the safest and most comfortable shoes for preschool.  Children who are not wearing safe shoes, will not be allowed to play on the playground (this is a school policy). 
* Last chance to order books through Scholastic.  Book orders were sent home earlier this week.  Thank you to the families that have supported literacy development at home and school by ordering books.  Here is the website to order books online:
*Have your registered/enrolled your child for Preschool or Kindergarten for next year?  All returning preschoolers must re-enroll each year.  You will also be asked to sign up for a screening appointment.  We will be screening all children before the school year starts to help us plan instruction based on the needs of our students.  If your child is going to Kindergarten next year, you will need to enroll him/her also.  Call 924-2506 to set up an enrollment appointment. 

*U worksheets
*Hands on Homework Activity Bag
*Homework will be finished at the end of this month.

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