Thursday, April 4, 2013

Build, Create, and Construct

     Welcome Back!  I hope everyone had a safe and fun Spring Break.  There are only 7 weeks of school left this year!  Wow, I can't believe how quickly the year has gone. 
     This week we started our study of construction.  We talked about different words that all mean "build."  The children used different building materials in the classroom to build something.  The children used small colorful wooden blocks, bristle blocks, Duplos, Lego's, tinker toys, and unit blocks.  The children then described what they built and we took a picture of their creations.  We also built with Popsicle sticks.  Throughout the month, we will be exploring the construction process and building many things in our classroom.
     This week we also had a visit from Firefighter Josh.  He talked to us about fire safety and showed us his gear.  He talked about smoke detectors.  Ask your child to help you find the smoke detectors in your house and when you find them, test them to make sure they are working.  Then talk to your child about what to do if there is ever a fire in your house (get out)!  
     We will also have a visit from a police officer and nurse this week.   

*X worksheet
*Hands on Homework Bag
*Check for smoke detectors in your house

*Have your registered/enrolled your child for Preschool or Kindergarten for next year?  All returning preschoolers must re-enroll each year.  You will also be asked to sign up for a screening appointment.  We will be screening all children before the school year starts to help us plan instructions based on the needs of our students.  If your child is going to Kindergarten next year, you will need to enroll him/her also.
* PTA meeting on 4/15.

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