Thursday, May 2, 2013

Fish Fun

     This week we began our study of the ocean and beach.  The children sorted fish into a fishbowl by size.  They also sorted colored goldfish crackers by color.  I have started end of the year report card assessments.  The children are working on some end of the year projects to show what they have learned this year.  End of the year progress reports and portfolios will be sent home the last week of school. 
     We have a light box set up to explore light and color.  The children really enjoy exploring different ways to move light and project colors.  We also started our end of the year count down song and we are practicing counting backwards.  Next week we will have a special "beach in a cup" snack.

*Scholastic Book orders are due tomorrow.
*Water day is on Thursday May 16th. 
*Walking Field trip to UDF on May 23rd.  Info will be sent home next week.
*Have you registered for Preschool or Kindergarten for next year.  Remember, EVERYONE must re-enroll for next year.  You can make an enrollment appointment at 924-2506.

*Y worksheet
*Hands on Homework Bags are finished.  There are still some families that have not returned Homework Bags and letter books.  If you have homework bags or letter books at home, please send them back to school so we have them to use next year.  I hope the homework bags have given you some ideas for activities you can do with your child at home.  Keep up the learning over the summer!


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