Thursday, October 4, 2012

Trees are Terrific

This week we began our study of trees.  We read the books "From Acorn to Oak Tree" and "The Giving Tree."  We took a walk around the block to look at different types of trees.  We also learned the parts of a tree.  The children uses hand and arm prints to make a tree.  We also did a sorting activity on the Smart Board to learn about things that live in or grow on a tree.

Several of the children are already able to identify their name in print and some children can even spell their name!  Way to go!  Please help your child learn to identify his/her name and learn the letters of their name. 

We also started "letter of the week" this week.  Our first letter is "M."  We are learning how to write M by erasing it with a sponge on a chalkboard and then tracing with chalk.  We are also learning to identify words that begin with the sound /m/.  We will be doing lots of letter name and sound activities each week to prepare the children for reading.  Next week's letter is T.

We will continue our study of trees for the rest of the month.  We will be talking about apples and apple trees and also learning about coconut trees when we read the book "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom."

*Bring in an apple or apples.  Bring in any color or size apple.  We needs all types.  We're going to be doing several projects including making applesauce.  If your child goes to the store with you, count how many types of apples are available and let us know how many you saw!
*Letter M worksheet. 
*Help you child identify his/her name in print.  You can do this by writing a few names on slips of paper and having your child find his/hers.  Then mix up the names and do it again.  Also, help your child learn the letters in his/her name.  Say the name of each letter as you point to it and have your child repeat after you. 

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