Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Chicka Chicka BOOM BOOM!

This week we read the book "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom."  Ad image We talked about the coconut tree in the book and we made a class coconut tree.  The children helped glue paper on to make the trunk and cut out leaves and coconuts.  They also used letter stamps to put letters in the tree.  We made our own version of the book by dictating or writing what we thought might be coming up the coconut tree and then drawing a picture.  Some of the children are already able to write letters and some friends are just starting to make letter like formations.  A great place to practice letter writing is in the bath tub with bath tub crayons.  This week we learned about the letter T.  We talked about words that begin with the /T/ sound and practiced writing the letter T.  Next week's letter is A.  If your child enjoys worksheets, there are many available for you to print online.  One website I like is  There are many great websites full of fun learning activities for preschoolers. 

Next week, we will continue our study of trees by learning about apple trees.  We will be tasting apples, painting with apples, and making applesauce!  Thank you to the families that have brought in apples.  We still need a few more (any color) if you would like to send in more. 

We will have a Fall Party on October 31st.  Please see the information sheet in your child's folder.  Remember, if you plan to attend any classroom celebrations, you MUST have current (within the last year) fingerprints on file.  Fingerprinting is available at the Board of Education. 

- T worksheets
- Send in apples, pumpkins, or gourds
- Have your child practice putting on and zipping their coat independently.  We'll be starting the coat and zipper club soon.  Children who can put on and zip their coats will be a part of this club and will get to add their name to the poster!

- The weather is getting cooler.  We will be playing outside whenever the temperature is above 32 degrees.  Please help your child dress appropriately for the weather, including a coat.  You may send a pair of gloves and a hat to keep at school if you want.
- Along with the cooler weather comes sickness.  Please help your child learn good hygiene at home - hand washing, cover your cough, and blowing your nose.  If your child is sick, please keep him/her home so the germs aren't spread to everyone else in the class!

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