Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Falling Into Learning

Shaving Cream Color Mixing
     As the weather turns cooler and fall is right around the corner, we are also "falling" into a great routine in our room.  The children are becoming more independent throughout the day.  Most of the children are able to complete the arrival and sign in routines with little assistance.  The children are also learning the classroom routine and are able to tell what comes next in the day with the help of a visual schedule.  Some of the children are also beginning to learn our circle time songs and are starting to sing along! 

     This month we have been learning all about colors and shapes.  We've been talking about primary colors (red, blue, yellow) and what happens when we mix them together.  This week we read the book "Mouse Paint" by Ellen Stoll Walsh.  Each of our projects this week involved identifying and mixing colors.  The children have really enjoyed the color mixing work on the art shelf.  Next week we will be talking about shapes.
Mouse Paint Color Mixing

* Scholastic Book Orders are due on Thursday 9/27.  Remember, you can also order online. 
* Have you turned in your Family Photo Album page?
* Have your turned in all your paperwork?
*Join the Sharpsburg PTA - they do a lot of great things for our school!

*Bring in (empty) toilet paper rolls Monday or Tuesday.  We're going to use them for a fun project.
*9/27 - Curious About Rhymes Night at Sharpsburg Primary @ 5:30
*In October we will be learning about trees.
*10/10 - School Picture Day
Color Mixing Work
Mouse Paint

Finger Paint (or brush) Color Mixing

Mouse Paint Book
Finger Painting
Finger Painting

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