Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bye bye babies, hello weather...

This week we read different versions of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears."  The children helped re-tell the story.  We also used bear counters to count and sort bears by color and size.  We used the words; small, medium, and large to describe the bears, their bowls, chairs, and beds.  We also made oatmeal and tasted it.  Then we made a graph to show how many people did and did not like oatmeal. 

This week we received some new equipment in our classroom.  We received a free standing swing frame and swing as well as a steamroller squeeze machine.


This new equipment is great for gross motor development and sensory exploration.  We have had  the steamroller out this week and the kids have loved going through it.  The swing will be out next week for the kids to try.

This new equipment came in a big box!  We decided to make the box into a house and the children help design the house and paint it!  We had a lot of fun with the box this week. 

Next week we will start our study of weather and seasons.  Maybe we will be lucky enough to actually get some snow to play in!

Valentine's Day is Thursday 2/14.  The children will have the opportunity to pass out Valentines to their friends.  If your child would like to bring in Valentines, please help him/her write their name on each card and send them in by Wednesday 2/13.  You may also send a small treat to be sent home if you like.  There are 11 children in the AM class and 4 in the PM class.  Writing Valentines is a great way to practice name writing!

*T-shirt orders are due 2/4
* Parent-teacher conferences are 2/6 and 2/12.  You should have received a conference confirmation in your child's folder earlier this week.  I look forward to talking with you about your child.  We will be discussing the Kindergarten transition process for children who are eligible to move on next year. 

* O worksheet
* Hands on Homework Activity Bag

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