Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fun with Fruits and Vegetables

This week we learned about fruits and vegetables.  The children pulled different fruits vegetables from the mystery box, named them, and sorted them.  The children also sorted paper fruits and vegetables and colored them.  On Wednesday, the children painted with vegetables including: celery, carrot, artichoke, sweet potato, and broccoli.  On Thursday, we were visited by Mr Kipp, the food service director for Norwood Schools.  He brought some different fruits and vegetables for the kids to explore and also talked about what they taste like, how to eat them, and where they grow. 

This week our letter was B.  Next week's letter is N.  We are working really hard on learning letter names and sounds. 

Next week we will begin our study of all things winter.  Some subjects we will cover include snow, snowmen, and of course Christmas.  The children will also be learning some Christmas songs and making some Christmas crafts. 

*Our holiday party will take place on 12/20.  If you plan to attend, you MUST have fingerprints on file at the Board of Education.  More details about the party soon.
* If your child is sick or not feeling well, please have him/her stay home.  This is for your child's comfort and the health of the other children and adults in the classroom.  Thank you!

Scholastic Book Orders Due for November and December.  I will be placing the order on Friday.  If you want to order, please turn in your order and money or order online by Friday.  Thanks to everyone who has already ordered. 

*Hands on Homework Activity Bag.  Please complete the activity with your child and return the bag by Tuesday.  Please remember to return you bag on time so other children have a chance to use these kits.  If you repeatedly forget to turn in the bag, your child will not be able to participate in Hands on Homework.  The goal of the activity bags is to engage in a fun learning activity with your child.  Feel free to adapt the rules or directions to meet the needs of your child. 
*B worksheet
*Bring in a strange/different/exotic fruit or vegetable (ex. parsnip, star fruit, kiwi, radish...)  to share with the class.  The children will have the opportunity to explore the fruits and vegetables in the science center.  If you aren't able to send in a fruit or vegetable, send a picture.  This is a great way to develop new vocabulary.

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