Thursday, March 14, 2013

Eric Carle Art Projects

     This week we read the books "The Mixed Up Chameleon,"  "A House for Hermit Crab," and "The Very Busy Spider" by Eric Carle.  We are learning the names of a lot of new animals from the Eric Carle books we are reading.  The children used water color paints to paint a chameleon.  We used paint, glitter, buttons, and sequins to decorate hermit crab's house.  We also spent some time talking about our class pet - a hermit crab and the shell he lives in.  We investigated several different shells and described them.  We talked about if they would or would not make good homes for our hermit crab.  When we read "The Very Busy Spider" the children were able to feel the raised lines of the spider's web in the book.  Then, we looked at and touched a version of the book that had Braille lettering.  We talked about how some people are blind and cannot use their eyes to read.  The children closed their eyed and used their fingers to "read" the words printed in Braille. 

     We have also been using different painting techniques to paint tissue paper.  We will use this tissue paper to create a collage using the same steps Eric Carle uses to illustrate his books.   

     Next week, the children will be able to see and touch some new animals from the Cincinnati Zoo!  We will be learning about how animals move from the Zoo animals and the books we will read.       

*Preschool Parent Info Night on Monday 3/18 @ 6:30 @ Williams Elementary.  You can pick up an enrollment packet and schedule an enrollment appointment at the meeting.  All children who will be attending preschool again next year MUST re-enroll.  You can also make an enrollment appointment by calling 924-2506.  If you haven't decided if your child will be moving on to Kindergarten or staying for another year of preschool, please let me know ASAP.

*Kindergarten Parent Info Nights are also taking place this month.  If your child will be going to Kindergarten next year, you will need to register him/her at your home school (based on address).
Each Elementary will be hosting a parent meeting prior to Kindergarten registration. Information about the New Kindergarten year will be provided.
Norwood View - Thursday, March 7, 2013  6:30 pm - Norwood View Library
Sharpsburg Primary - Wednesday, March 13, 2013  6:30 pm - Primary Cafeteria
Williams Avenue - Thursday, March 14, 2013  6:30 pm - Williams Auditorium

*If you haven't placed your March Scholastic Book order yet, you have 1 more day to order online.  I will be finalizing the order on Friday.  Here's the link to our class page: 

*Zoo Visit on Thursday 3/21. 
*Spring Pictures on Thursday 3/21.
*Spring Break 3/25-3/29.
*Mark your calendar... We will have Preschool Water Day again this year.  This is a wet and fun filled outdoor play day that takes place at the end of the year.  Parents will be invited to join us for the last hour of the day.  Water day will take place on Thursday May 16th this year.  More information in April.
*Have your child re-tell the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar with the picture book we made earlier this week.  Help your child name and count the fruits in the book.  You can even help your child write the names and the number on the pages.  Re-telling familiar stories with repetitive text is a great way to build literacy skills.
*W worksheet
*Hands on Homework Activity Bag

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

     This week we began our Eric Carle author study.  We looked at several different Eric Carle books and talked about things that were similar.  Most of the characters is his books are animals.  All of the books we looked at had animals in them.  This week we read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."  We also used props to re-tell the story.  We talked about how a caterpillar goes through metamorphosis and changes into a butterfly.  The children made a caterpillar on a pipe cleaner and learned a caterpillar song:
     I'm a caterpillar, wiggle with me.
     I'm a caterpillar, wiggle with me.
     I'm a caterpillar, wiggle with me.
     Wiggle with me my friends.

  Throughout the month we will be following the same process as Eric Carle to create a final art piece.  We watched a short video of Eric Carle painting and cutting tissue paper to create the caterpillar.  We will be painting layers of paint on tissue paper, then cutting it out to create a tissue paper collage.  
   I am also completing report card assessments over the next two weeks.  Many of the children are making great progress.  Keep up the hard work at home! 

Coming up next...
    In April we will be studying construction and building as well as have visits from several community helpers including a police officer, fire fighter, and nurse. 

*Preschool Parent Info Night on Monday 3/18 @ 6:30, Williams Elementary. 
*Kindergarten Parent Info Meetings and registration begin this month. 
Each Elementary will be hosting a parent meeting prior to Kindergarten registration. Information about the New Kindergarten year will be provided.
Norwood View - Thursday, March 7, 2013  6:30 pm - Norwood View Library
Sharpsburg Primary - Wednesday, March 13, 2013  6:30 pm - Primary Cafeteria
Williams Avenue - Thursday, March 14, 2013  6:30 pm - Williams Auditorium
*Class pictures on Thursday 3/21.  If you want to order pictures, payment must be turned in before pictures.
*Zoo Visit on 3/21.
*Report cards sent home 3/21.
*Spring Break 3/25-3/29.
* Remember to check your child's folder each night.  There are a lot of impotant papers going home about upcoming events and meetings.
*E worksheet
*Hands on Homework Activity Bag