Here in Ohio, you never know what kind of weather we will have from one day to the next, but it has provided a lot for us to talk about this month. We have had sun, wind, rain, snow, and clouds, sometimes all in one week. It's been a great month to study and learn about weather! This week the children cut out and decorated a kite. I'm amazed at how much progress the children have made with their scissor skills! We also cut out snowflakes from folded coffee filters and uses Popsicle sticks to make snowflakes. All this talk of snow, but still no snow day :(. Lastly, we used a mixture of shaving cream and glue to make "snow" sculptures. This week's letter - G, next week - E.
Last week I went to a training called Handwriting Without Tears. I learned about fine motor development, writing, literacy, math, and developing social skills. It was a great training and we are already integrating some new things I learned into our classroom. There are great parent resources for parents at the website: or . This program includes Mat Man and other fun activities to develop pre-academic skills. Check out the website for more information and an online Mat Man game.
Next week we will begin an author study of Eric Carle. We will be reading many of his books and creating art using the same process as Eric Carle. Take a trip to the library or book store to read some Eric Carle Books.
*Preschool Parent Info Night has been changed to Monday March 18th, instead of March 19th. We look forward to seeing you there. Please read the flyer in your child's folder today for more information.
* If your child will be going to Kindergarten next year, please be sure to attend an information at your child's home school. Flyers were sent home last week and are also available in the school office.
*Warm weather will be here soon (hopefully) and we will be spending more time outside. We would love to have some bubbles for the children to use on the playground. If you would like to supply us with some bubble, you can send them with your child at any time.
* As we move into the last quarter of the school year (already), we are running VERY low on snack supplies. We do get 1 snack from the cafeteria each day, we try to offer the children 2 healthy choices each day. We are in need of fruit cups, applesauce cups, yogurt or Gogurts, and raisins or other dried fruit. If you would like to supply these snacks, please send them with your child at any time. Thanks!
*G worksheet
*Hands on Homework Activity Bag
What wacky weather we have here in Cincinnati. 50 degrees one day and 30 the next! We continued to learn about weather this week. The children cut out a handle for an umbrella and painted the top. We also learned that rainbows appear when the sun comes out during rain. The children cut out and colored a rainbow. We will continue our study of weather next week. In March we will be doing an author study of Eric Carle. We will be reading many Eric Carle books and learning about how he illustrates his books as well as other projects related to Eric Carle.
*Have your turned in $3 for the upcoming Zoo visit? We need the money by 2/28.
* Coughs and colds are still going around. If your child is sick, please consider keeping him/her home to prevent spreading the germs to other children and teachers.
*We are still accepting Yearbook Orders. If you plan to order, please send in your money and order form ASAP.
* Preschool Info Nigh in March - you will also be able to make an enrollment appointment at the meeting. If your child will be attending preschool again next year, you will need to re-enroll him/her.
*Kindergarten Info Nights in March. If your child will be 5 by September 30, 2013 he/she is eligible to go to Kindergarten next year. Please attend the Parent Meeting at your child's home school. Flyers were sent home last week and are also available in the school office.
*Spring Break 3/25-3/29.
*Hands on Homework bag.
No pictures this week... short week.
This week we continued talking and learning about weather. We talked about the 4 Seasons. The children worked together to sort various objects according to when we would use them. Then we dressed paper people for different kinds of weather. On Wednesday and Thursday, we talked about Valentine's Day. Some of the children enjoyed passing out Valentines to their friends. We sorted candy hearts by color and counted how many we had. We talked about most, more, less, and least. These are important math words that the children will hear when solving word problems in Elementary school. The children also had the choice to make a heart pattern necklace or hat. Thank you to the parents who helped their child with Valentines and those who sent in treats or candy hearts. I really appreciate your support of our classroom.
This week I finished up Spring Parent-Teacher conferences. I really enjoyed meeting with almost every one! Thank you for making time to come in to school to meet with me to discuss your child's progress.
See flier in your child's folder.
Kindergarten Parent Meetings and Registration - See flier in your child's folder. If your child will be 5 by September 30, 2013, he/she is eligible to go to Kindergarten next year.
Zoo Visit
*This week, a paper was sent home about am upcoming visit from the Cincinnati Zoo. They will be visiting our classroom with animals on 3/21. The cost is $3 per child. An envelope for the zoo money is in your child's folder today. They were not attached to the letter as it had stated.
*L worksheet
*Hands on Homework Activity
*Take a weather walk - talk about the weather and the seasons. Look for signs of Spring.
This week we began our study of weather and seasons. We read the book "It Look Like Spilt Milk" and did several art projects related to the story to make different types of clouds. Our book this week had a repetitive text and the children were able to re-tell the story by the end of the week. We did a straw painting by blowing paint across the paper. We also made a fold painting and used cotton balls to paint. Lastly, we cut out a cloud and glued on cotton balls. Next week we will talk about snow.
We got our new swing set up this week and the children have really enjoyed taking turns using the swing. The children have been writing their names on a list to keep track of whose turn it is. They have also been using a digital timer to take turns. This has been a great opportunity to work on turn taking and sharing as well as name writing and learning about time.
Our letter of the week this week was H, next week's letter is L. We've been reviewing the letters throughout the week. The children are starting to identify many letters and sounds. Keep up the hard work.
I enjoyed meeting with many of you last night at conferences and will see some more parents next week. I enjoy the opportunity to discuss each child's successes and working together with you to help your child learn.
Valentine's Day is next week - If your child would like to send in Valentines for the class, please help him/her write their name on the cards. Please send the Valentines in by Wednesday of next week. We will pass them out on Thursday. There are 11 children in the morning class and 4 children in the afternoon.
*We need a few bags or boxes of candy conversation hearts for a sorting game next week. If you are interested in providing them, please send them in on Monday or Tuesday. Thank you!
*H worksheet
*Hands on Homework activity bag